Monday Motivation! Today marks ‘Blue Monday’ which means that this is supposed to be the worst day of the year, so Monday motivation is absolutely in order! The immediate positive is that the day’s almost over, and another if you’re an Ozark fan, is that we’re a day closer to it’s return, this Friyay. In the sporting and covid world the Djokovic saga took another twist, although a concluding one with him being deported from Australia due to him not being vaccinated. It’s a shame he won’t be able to compete, but we remain in a global pandemic and all so vaccine mandates in some countries shouldn’t be shocking. What he, along with us in the UK and Europe can take hope in is that there is growing traction within the continent that we should be heading towards treating COVID like the common cold. Whilst a cold isn’t pleasant, I had it just last week it sure beats the ramifications of pandemics, so Blue Monday or not, in Europe it looks like we’re approaching COVID Endgame, the Endemic.
So what makes Blue Monday the worst? Great Marketing it seems. January always follows December, which gets the glory of less work, Christmas, Boxing Day and it all it entails ALONG with New Years Eve. I’m developing some Monday blues typing this out, that marketing team was on to something. Personally, aside from the initial struggles to get out of bed and start writing, this has felt like a swell one. We’re so early into the new year, that there’s still so much time to stick or even restart any new year’s goals, there’s still time to write them too. I’m lucky enough to be working from home, so with that and some unignorable global warming has meant I’ve not been hit with the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, very appropriately named). This time of the year I’m used to tussling to be a sardine on my commute to and from work, muttering under my breath just how much I want to be working abroad in the sun. This is not something I’ve been feeling alone, two friends of mine are having extremely contrasting times presently, one has a long commute which has to be made daily whereas my other friend’s has been paused and their energy and happiness levels are the opposite ends of the spectrums.
Commuting is certainly not the cure to Blue Monday or January blues if you’re experiencing them, or you know anyone experiencing them. January often feels like one of the longest months of the year, but you’ll be pleased to know we’re already past the halfway mark, so along with Ozark being a day closer, so is payday! If you follow football the African Cup of Nations is going on and Nigeria have been soaring too, if you’ve not had a team to follow, join the winning team. Get outside as well, some fresh air combined with some sunlight is a recommended treatment for SAD. Be sure to also talk with your family and friends, a problem shared is a problem divided, let’s try not to overthink ourselves into a worst state, conversations have the potential to be therapeutic. For me as well, I like to exercise which offers me respite, gyms across the UK and globally are offering discounted memberships currently. If not gym there are plenty of alternatives too, I for one have lasered in on swimming, so when I am next abroad in the sun, I can enjoy the pool too.
So has your been Monday blue? If it has or hasn’t, some news that should lift your moods is that trials are underway in the UK for a four day work week. This could be another step in making Blue Mondays a thing of the past. What would you do with that extra day for yourself? And would you rather the Monday or Friday off? It can’t be a blue Monday if we’re not working
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